The name of contact.
The email of contact.
The company name of contact.
The title of contact.
The business phone number of contact.
The secondary business phone number of contact.
The mobile phone number of contact.
The secondary mobile phone number of contact.
The home phone number of contact.
The secondary home phone number of contact.
The other phone number of contact.
The business fax of contact.
The home fax of contact.
The address.
The notes of contact.
Created contact
The unique ID of contact.
Update a personal contact.
The unique ID of contact.
The name of contact.
The email of contact.
The company name of contact.
The title of contact.
The business phone number of contact.
The secondary business phone number of contact.
The mobile phone number of contact.
The secondary mobile phone number of contact.
The home phone number of contact.
The secondary home phone number of contact.
The other phone number of contact.
The business fax of contact.
The home fax of contact.
The address.
The notes of contact.
Retrieve a collection of personal contacts.
Total number of resource.
Retrieves details of a personal contact.
The unique ID of contact.
The unique ID of contact.
The name of contact.
The email of contact.
The company name of contact.
The title of contact.
The business phone number of contact.
The secondary business phone number of contact.
The mobile phone number of contact.
The secondary mobile phone number of contact.
The home phone number of contact.
The secondary home phone number of contact.
The other phone number of contact.
The business fax of contact.
The home fax of contact.
The address.
The notes of contact.
The synchronization method.
Can be either:
Microsoft 365
: Sync from Microsoft 365.Mark if a contact has been added to the favorites list.