Store the recording files to AWS S3

PortSIP PBX supports the storing of recorded files using AWS S3.

Warning: After setting up the PBX to store recording files using S3:

  1. The historic recordings in the PBX server local disk will no longer be able accessed, therefore, suggest setting up the S3 storing before starting to make & receive calls.

  2. Do not switch back to ‘disable store to S3‘ as this will prevent PBX access to historic recordings and stop new recordings from being stored to S3.

​ Whichever S3 storage mode you subsequently set via the PBX will not affect existing files stored.

If upgraded from the previous versions, the existing recording files still can be accessed after setting up the S3 storing.


  • CentOS 7.9 / Debian 10.x / Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.06, 64 bit

  • PortSIP PBX deployed on AWS EC2

  • AWS EC2 instance(s) located within the same region as S3


Create an IAM group and user

  1. Click the menu “Identity and Access Management(IAM) > Access management“, click the “Add User“ button.

  2. Enter a name for the “User Name“ for example “s3store“, choose “Programmatic access“, then click “Next“.

3. Click the “Create group“ button to create a group.

Note: you can choose to add this user to an existing group rather than create a new group, but must grant the AmazonS3FullAccess permission to this existing group.

4. Enter a name for the group, for example, “portsip-pbx-s3“, Choose “AmazonS3FullAccess“ Policy name, click the “Create Group“ button.

5. After the group successfully created, choose it and click the Next button. You can add the tags to this user, or simply ignore them by click the “Next“ button.

6. After the user successfully added, note the “Access key ID“ and “Secret access key“ as below.

Create S3 bucket

  1. Click the menu Amazon S3 , click “Create bucket“ button to create the S3 service that PortSIP PBX will use for recording files.

  2. After successfully creating the S3, note the bucket name, for example “portsippbxstore“.

Please choose the same region of your PortSIP PBX EC2 instance to create the S3 bucket.

Change the PortSIP PBX settings

Linux: open the file


Windows: open the file


Edit the section “filegate“ , change the value of key “backend“ to “s3“ as below.


Edit the section “S3“ as below.

endpoint =
cred_id = Access key ID
cred_secret = Secret access key
region = region-code
bucket = portsippbxstore

endpoint: this is an HTTP URL, replace the “region-code“ with the actual region name, for example, if the EC2 and S3 region name is “us-west-2“, then it will be:

endpoint =
cred_id = Access key ID
cred_secret = Secret access key
region = us-west-2
bucket = portsippbxstore

Region name’s can be found via this page:

If your EC2 and S3 in the China region, in the endpoint URL the should be

cred_id: it’s the “Access key ID“ of the IAM user noted whilst creating the IAM user.

cred_secret: it’s the “Secret access key“ of the IAM user noted whilst creating the IAM user.

region: the region name (region code) of the EC2 instance and S3, for example, if the region is us-west-2 then use the actual region name to replace it.

bucket: the bucket name of S3.

Restart the PortSIP PBX

After set the parameters for the S3, save the system.ini, then restart the PortSIP PBX. After setting up the parameters for the S3, save the system.ini and then restart the PortSIP PBX.


sudo docker stop -t 120 portsip-pbx
sodo docker start portsip-pbx


Restart the Windows Server directly.

Last updated