Install PortSIP PBX on Linux


This guide is just for installing a fresh PortSIP PBX version 22.x.

If you currently installed the PortSIP PBX v16.x, please follow the article Upgrade to Latest v22.x on Linux to upgrade it.

Minimal Hardware Requirements

  • CPU: 2 cores

  • Memory: 4 GB

  • Disk: 50 GB

With this configuration, the PBX can support up to 1,000 online users and handle 30~500 simultaneous calls.

Supported OS

  • Ubuntu 22.04, 24.04

  • Debian 11.x, 12.x

Preparing the Server for Installation

Tasks that MUST be completed before installing PortSIP PBX

  • Ensure the server date-time is synced correctly.

  • Use the sudo to perform the installation is recommended.

  • If the server on which PBX will be installed is located on a LAN, assign a static private IP address to the PBX server; if it's on a public network, assign a static public IP address and a static private IP to the PBX server.

  • Install all available updates and service packs before installing PortSIP PBX.

  • Do not install PostgreSQL on your PortSIP PBX Server.

  • Ensure that all power-saving options for your system and network adapters are disabled (by setting the system to High-Performance mode).

  • Do not install TeamViewer, VPN, or other similar software on the host machine.

  • The PortSIP PBX must not be installed on a host that is a DNS or DHCP server.

  • The below ports must be permitted by your firewall.

    • UDP: 5060, 5066, 25000-34999, 45000–65000

    • TCP: 5061, 5063, 5065, 5067, 8882, 8883, 8887, 8888, 8889, 10443. please also ensure the above ports have not been used by other applications.

Installing PortSIP PBX

Step 1: Download Installation Scripts

Perform the below commands to download the installation scripts and initialize the environment:

mkdir /opt/portsip
sudo curl \  \
sudo /bin/sh

Step 2: Setup Docker Environment

Execute the below command to install the Docker-Compose environment. If you get the prompt likes*** cloud.cfg (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ?, enter the Y and then press the Enter button.

cd /opt/portsip
sudo /bin/sh

Step 3: Create and Run PBX Docker Instance

The following command is used to create and run the PBX on a server with the public IP address

If you are running the PBX on a local area network (LAN) without a public IP address, simply replace with the PBX server’s private LAN IP address.

sudo /bin/sh \
run -p /var/lib/portsip \
-a \
-i portsip/pbx:22

In the above command, we can specify the following parameters.

  • -p: Specifies the path for storing PBX data.

  • -a: Specifies the PBX server's IP address.

  • -i: Specifies the PBX Docker image version.

  • -f: Specifies the path for storing the recording files, it's optional.

The -f parameter is optional and allows you to specify a separate path for storing recording files. If this parameter is not specified, the recording files will be stored in the path defined by the -p parameter.

For example, if you mount a device or an external NAS device to /pbx/recordings and want to store the recording files there, you can create and run the PBX Docker instance using the following command:

sudo /bin/sh \
run -p /var/lib/portsip \
-a \
-i portsip/pbx:22 \
-f /pbx/recordings

After successfully installing the PortSIP PBX, you can access the PBX web portal by visiting:

The default system administrator username and password are both admin.

Step 4: Configure the PortSIP PBX

Once the PortSIP PBX is successfully installed, you can access the web portal by opening your browser and navigating to If your browser displays an SSL certificate warning, you can safely ignore it and continue. You will then be directed to the login page, as shown in the screenshot below.

Click on "Sign in as the administrator or dealer" to navigate to the administrator login page, as shown in the screenshot below. Enter admin as both the username and password to log in to the web portal.

After successfully logging into the PBX Web Portal, with a new installation, the PBX will launch a setup wizard automatically to guide you through completing the mandatory settings.

1. Network Environment

  • Private IPv4 Address You must enter the server's private IPv4 address. If the server does not have a private IP, use the public IP address instead.

  • Public IPv4 Address If the PBX server has a static public IP address, enter it in the Public IPv4 field. If the server does not have a static public IP, leave this field blank.

These IP addresses must be accessible to your SIP clients, as the IP entered here will function as the SIP server IP address for the PBX. This is crucial when a SIP client or IP phone registers to PortSIP PBX, and should be configured as the Outbound Proxy Server.

  • Cloud Deployment: If the PBX is deployed in the cloud, both Private IPv4 and Public IPv4 addresses must be entered.

  • LAN Deployment: If the PBX is on a local network (LAN), only the Private IPv4 address is required.

2. SSL Certificate

To enable TLS transport for SIP and secure HTTPS access to the Web Portal and REST API, a trusted SSL certificate must be uploaded during this step.

  • Domain Setup: You will need a web domain. For example, you can purchase a domain from providers like GoDaddy and point it to your PBX’s IP address.

  • SSL Certificate: A trusted SSL certificate is necessary to avoid browser warnings. Recommended certificate providers include DigiCert, GeoTrust, GoDaddy, and others.

    • If you do not have a domain or SSL certificate, you can use your PBX’s IP address as the Web Domain and proceed with the default certificate. However, please note that PortSIP PBX uses a self-signed certificate by default, which will trigger browsers to block the connection and display a security warning.

  • Certificate Providers: To purchase an SSL certificate, follow the guide: Preparing TLS Certificates for TLS/HTTPS/WebRTC.

You will have two certificate files if complete the steps in the guide: Preparing TLS Certificates for TLS/HTTPS/WebRTC.

  • portsip.key

  • portsip.pem

Configuring the Certificates

In this guide, we assuming use the domain for the PBX web domain.

  1. In the Web Domain field, enter

  2. Open the portsip.pem file in a text editor (such as Windows Notepad), and copy the entire contents into the Certificate File field.

  3. Similarly, open the portsip.key file, and copy its entire contents into the Private Key File field.

3. Transport Protocol

You can configure the transport layer protocol for SIP signaling by clicking the Add button. The default transport ports are as follows:

  • UDP: 5060

  • TCP: 5063

  • TLS: 5061

You are free to change these default ports to any preferred value but ensure that the new port is not already in use by other applications.

Step 5: Install Instant Messaging Service

Starting with version 22.0, PortSIP PBX introduces an Instant Messaging (IM) service, offering modern features such as group chat. The IM service requires a separate installation step, as in some cases, you may also want to deploy it on a separate server for optimal performance.

Please follow the article Installation of the PortSIP IM Server on Linux to install the PortSIP IM Server for the PBX.

Step 6: Reboot to Apply the Certificate

Once completed Step 5, if you uploaded a trusted SSL certificate in Step 2: SSL Certificate instead of using the default self-signed certificate, you need to restart the PBX to apply the changes. Use the following commands to reboot the PBX:

cd /opt/portsip
sudo /bin/sh restart
sudo /bin/sh restart

Now the PortSIP PBX is successfully installed, you can use to access the PortSIP PBX web portal.

Managing PortSIP PBX Docker Instance

After successfully installing the PortSIP PBX, then you can use the following commands to manage the PortSIP PBX docker instance.

cd /opt/portsip

Show the PBX Docker Instance Status

sudo /bin/sh status

Start the PBX Docker Instance

sudo /bin/sh start

Stop the PBX Docker Instance

sudo /bin/sh stop

Restart the PBX Docker Instance

sudo /bin/sh restart

Delete the PBX Docker Instance

This command will not delete the data of the PBX.

sudo /bin/sh rm

Managing PortSIP IM Service Docker Instance

First, you will need to at the /opt/portsip folder, then you can use the following commands to manage the PortSIP IM Service docker instance.

cd /opt/portsip

Show the IM Service Docker Instance Status

sudo /bin/sh status

Start the IM ServiceDocker Instance

sudo /bin/sh start

Stop the IM ServiceDocker Instance

sudo /bin/sh stop

Restart the IM ServiceDocker Instance

sudo /bin/sh restart

Delete the IM ServiceDocker Instance

This command will not delete the data of the PBX.

sudo /bin/sh rm

Last updated

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