Deploy the PortSIP PBX HA on AWS
Note: all Linux commands mentioned in this documentation, must be performed by the root user.
Ubuntu 20.04 or CentOS 7.9, 64 bit
Three AWS EC2 instances (in this documentation, the “EC2 server“ and “node“ are the same thing, both referring to the AWS EC2 instance)
The EC2 instance minimum requirements: 2 vCPU and 4G memory
Must enable ‘assign the public IP automatically’ for each node
Allocate the static private IP for each node
All EC2 servers must be located within the same Region, VPC, and subnet
An elastic IP
Each EC2 server should have a disk mounted to the same path and be the same size
Choose any one node as the “master node“, unless explicitly specified all operations are performed via the master node
Create VPC and EC2
In the PortSIP PBX HA, all nodes will be deployed in the same VPC, subnet, we will need to assign the static private IP of the subnet to the nodes.
1. Create VPC
Open the AWS VPC menu, you can choose an existing VPC, or click the “Create VPC“ to create a new one. As the below screenshot, the VPC IP range is
2. Create the subnet
Click the “Subnets“ menu to list the subnets, if there are no subnets, please click “Create subnet“ to create a new one. As below screenshot, the “Subnet ID“ is “subnet-b1e7e9c9“, the IP range is
In this case, we assign to node 1, to node 2, to node 3.
3. Assign static private IP to EC2 instance
When creating an EC2 instance, in step 3 “Configure Instance, " choose the subnet you created before, if it’s “subnet-b1e7e9c9“.
The “Auto-assign Public IP“ should choose "Enable".
In the “Network interfaces“ section, enter the IP ““ for the “Primary IP“ field for node 1; Enter the IP ““ for “Primary IP“ field for node 2; Enter the IP ““ for “Primary IP“ field for node 3.
4. Add disk volume
In step 4 “Add Storage“, click the “Add New Volume“ to add an extra disk volume.
Note you will need to add the new volume for each EC2 instance, they will have the same size, and the same mount path in the case is /dev/sdd, the new volume size suggests at least 50G GB.
Important: don't set encryption for the new volume.
5. Check node information
The Node Host Name is setting up automatically by AWS in default after you created the EC2 instance.
Note in this case we use the node “ip-172-31-5-133“ to act as the master node.
6. Security group
Inbound rule
Outbound rule
Note configure the security group for all nodes
7. Download the “key pair”
After clicking the “Launch“ button, AWS will pop up a window to select an existing key pair or create a new key pair.
In this case, we create a new key pair and name it as “portsip_pbx_key”, then click the “Download“ button, we get the certificate file “portsip_pbx_key.pem“.
After successfully launched the first EC2 instance, repeat the same steps to create another two EC2 instances, but select “Choose an existing key pair“ in this step, then another two instances also use the key pair “portsip_pbx_key.pem“.
Note all EC2 nodes should use the same key pair.
8. Configure AWS
Create the user group and user
Click the menu “Identity and Access Management(IAM) > Access management > User group“
Click “Create group“ button to create a new group. Then name it as “hagroup”. You will need to also grant the “AmazonEC2FullAccess“ and “AmazonS3FullAccess“ permissions.
In the “hagroup“, add an user “hauser“
After the user successfully added, note the “Access key ID“ and “Secret access key“ which will be used in later steps.
Note: In this case, we use the group name as “hagroup“, and the user is “hauser“, you can feel free to change it.
Enable the root user
Use the SSH client to connect to each EC2 instance and perform the below commands to set the password for root user and su root password.
Install AWS CLI
Perform the below commands on all nodes.
Configure AWS IAM
First, take the region name like the screenshot, in case the region name is “us-east-1“.
Perform the below command on all nodes
Enter the information by the prompt.
9. Setup login in with SSH certificate with the password
Perform the below commands on the master node (ip-172-31-5-133
Upload the portsip_pbx_key.pem file to the /root directory of master node ip-172-31-5-133, the certificates file portsip_pbx_key.pem is the key pair that is created when launching the EC2 instances.
Perform the below command on master node ip-172-31-5-133 only.
Perform commands on master node ip-172-31-5-133 only, enter the “yes“ if appears “yes/no“.
Elastic IP
Allocate an Elastic IP, for example:
Download resource
Perform command on the master node ip-172-31-5-133
Install ansible
Perform command on the master node ip-172-31-5-133
Setup ansible resource group
Perform command on the master node ip-172-31-5-133
Configure variables
Perform the below command on the master node ip-172-31-5-133
There will output the disk volumes information, in the case is the /dev/nvme0n1 and /dev/nvme1n1, please note “ /dev/nvme1n1“ - this is the new volume which you added to the EC2 ( it’s maybe not same as /dev/nvme1n1 in your EC2, please replace it then).
Important: In the below commands, ensure the value of “pbx_datapath_disk“ by “/dev/nvme1n1“.
The “pbx_datapath_size“ is the new volume size but should be less than the actual size. In case we added the new volume with 8 GB, here we specify the “pbx_datapath_size“ is 7900 M.
Please prepare the value for the below Variables:
Perform the below command on the master node ip-172-31-5-133
only, replace the values of the variables by your actual values in the previous step:
Initialize resources
Perform command on the master node ip-172-31-5-133
(This part of the installation process may take a long time to complete, dependent on your VM resources allocated, please be patient, do not either terminate, shutdown or reboot as those actions will corrupt the installation process and fail).
Perform command on the master node ip-172-31-5-133
Start pcs
After restarted, perform command on the master node ip-172-31-5-133
Configure the resources
Perform command on the master node ip-172-31-5-133
(This part of the installation process may take a long time to complete, dependent on your VM resources allocated, please be patient, do not either terminate, shutdown or reboot as those actions will corrupt the installation process and fail).
After successfully configured, in your browser you can set up your PBX by access the Elastic IP: or
You can also resolve your web domain to the elastic IP.
PBX Setup Wizard
In the setup wizard step 1, just enter the Elastic IP as the Public IP only.
After entering the web portal of PBX, under the menu, advanced > Settings > Advanced page, selected enable call recovery and click the "apply" button.
Last updated