Provision Yealink DECT IP Phones

From the v22.0 version, PortSIP supports the Fanvil DECT IP Phones.

Supported Fanvil DECT IP Phone Models

This guide applies to the following models:

  • W60B

  • W70B

  • W80B/DM

  • W90B/DM

Factory Reset the Fanvil DECT System

  1. Hold the device button for at least 20 seconds.

  2. Release the button.

  3. The device will now proceed to reset and reboot.

You can also click the Reset To Factory Settings button to reset the system by navigating to the menu Settings > Upgrade > Select and Upgrade Firmware.

Upgrade the DECT Base and Handsets to the Latest Firmware

Ensure that the DECT device and handsets are running on the latest firmware. To check which firmware the phones are running:

You can follow the below steps to upgrade the firmware:

  1. Access the official Yealink website and then click Software. Select your phone model and download the latest Firmware image file.

  2. Sign in to your Yealink DECT Manager web portal in the browser.

  3. Navigate to Settings > Upgrade > Select and Upgrade Firmware.

  4. Click Browse choose the firmware image file saved from the Yealink website, and press Upgrade.

  5. If using the Yealink W80 or W90 repeat this step for all the Yealink Base Stations you will connect to the DECT Manager.

You can also upgrade the handset firmware in the same steps.

Add a DECT Phone in PortSIP PBX

Please follow the below steps to add the DECT phone to the PortSIP PBX.

  1. Sign in to the PortSIP PBX web portal and navigate to Call Manager > DECT Phones from the menu.

  2. Click on the Add button. A popup window will appear.

  3. In this window, select your phone model and enter the MAC address of the phone, then click the OK button.

  4. Provide a user-friendly name for this DECT Phone.

  5. In the Network field, select the network interface that the DECT Phone will use.

  6. Choose the transport protocol that the phone will use to send and receive SIP messages with the PBX.

  7. If your PBX has internet access, please enable the Save to RPS option.

Assign Users to the Handsets

Next, you'll need to assign users to the handsets. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Click on the Users tab.

  2. For each handset, select the users you want to assign.

Auto Provision Handsets by RPS

If your PBX installation is in the cloud and you have turned on the Save to RPS to configure the DECT phone in the above steps, the DECT Phone will download the configuration file and provision handsets, the handsets of this DECT Phone station will register to the PortSIP PBX automatically.

Provision Handsets Manually

If your PBX installation is on-premise without internet access or you turned off the Save to RPS option, you will need to follow the below steps to provision handsets:

  1. Click the menu Call Manager > DECT Phones, and double the DECT phone.

  2. Copy the provisioning link.

  1. Enter the DECT Base station's IP address in the web browser and open it.

  2. In the menu Settings > Auto Provision > Server URL, enter the provisioning link copied.

  3. Press the Confirm button to save the link and then press the button Auto Provision Now.

Please ignore this step if the device is not W80 and W90.

  1. Open your web browser and enter the IP address of the Base Station. This will open the Base Station’s interface. Navigate to the Base Mode menu.

  2. On the Base Mode page, input the IP address of the DECT Manager. After entering the IP address, click on the Confirm button.

  1. Open your web browser and input the IP address of the DECT Manager to access its interface.

  2. On the Base Station Registration page, click the Register button next to the base you want to connect to your DECT Manager, then press OK.

  3. Proceed to the Base Station Settings menu. You should now see the status of the base as Active and synced.

Register the Yealink Handsets and Assign Users

  1. Open your web browser and input the device's IP address to access its interface.

  2. Navigate to the Handset & Account menu and select the Handset Registration page.

  3. You will see a list of all the user extensions that you assigned in the previous step Assign Users to the Handsets. Click the edit icon next to each extension to make changes.

  1. Click on Start Register Handset.

  2. On your handset, either press the Reg. softkey for Easy Pairing or navigate to the Settings menu and select Registration > Base 1.

  3. From the scanning results list, select your base and enter the PIN 0000 when prompted.

  4. Repeat these steps for all extensions to which you wish to assign a handset.

Last updated

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