Purchase a DID on Telnyx Platform
Before placing or receiving a call, you need to have an active DID or a dozen DID numbers on your Telnyx account. If you already have an active number on your Telnyx account, the below steps are optional.
To purchase a DID on your Telnyx account:
Log in to your account on the Telnyx platform
Click on Numbers > My Numbers menu in the left-hand menu, and click the tab Search & Buy Numbers
Search the number and click Add to Cart to buy the DID numbers
Once you are checked out, navigate to the menu Numbers > My Numbers, click the My Numbers tab on the page, and your purchased numbers are listed.
After purchasing the DID, you can follow one of the guides to configure the trunk with PortSIP PBX.
Configuring Telnyx Register AuthenticationTrunk
Last updated